Raspberry Coulis

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Fix Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth Issues

Fix Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth Issues

Now that the Raspberry Pi 3 comes with Bluetooth and WiFi built-in, people (including me) were excited at the increased flexibility this offers. I was already thinking about using the Pi 3 in my Raspberry PiStation build so that I could do away with the extra dongles. Setting up the WiFi was straight forward – […]

Illuminate Bright Pi Automatically

The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is a fantastic piece of kit for any Raspberry enthusiast. It provides HD quality images easily and can be used in a wide variety of projects. Those of you who have followed the guides on the Maker Zone may have already seen my previous post about “Adding Push Notifications to […]

Adding Push Notifications To MotionEyeOS (Formerly MotionPie)

With its lower power consumption and relative portability, the Raspberry Pi makes an ideal candidate for a dedicated home CCTV camera. There are a number of ways to achieve this but when I was looking to setup a CCTV system with my Raspberry Pi, I stumbled on something called MotionPie. This had a nice looking […]

Disable verbose boot

Disabling Verbose Boot Mode On The Raspberry Pi

When a Raspberry Pi boots and you have an external monitor connected, you will have noticed the many lines of code whizzing by. Whilst this is useful in some situations, it can often be a little distracting too. I found this to be the case with my Raspberry PiStation build, mainly because I wanted to […]

PiStation Boot Logo

Build Your Own Raspberry PiStation

Since the Raspberry Pi 2 was announced to the world, people started to think about what the additional processing power could be used for. Many people, like me, who were familiar with playing retro games via RetroPie immediately thought of using this power to play more technically demanding games for that nostalgic feeling. If you […]