Ryan Walmsley

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How to compile the LoRa gateway software for the LoRa gateway HAT

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to compile the LoRa Gateway Software our LoRa Gateway HAT. This tutorial is targeted towards the Raspberry Pi, however you can also use this as the basis for other SBCs. We also recommend on the Pi that Raspbian is used and cannot provide support for other operating […]

Nebra Smart LoRa Gateway – Prototype Information

LoRa (Long Range) is the smart, long-range, wireless transmission technology that is enabling the future of IoT (Internet of Things). It’s very low power but is only suitable for very small amounts of data. Making it ideal for sensors such as weather monitoring, air quality etc Our IoT Smart LoRa Gateway allows you to set […]

LoRa Data Rates, what are they?

One of the settings that can be adjusted with our LoRa Board is known as the Data Rate and can affect the performance in speed and range of your LoRa Node. In this guide we’ll evaluate the data rates for our most popular LoRa Regions. Usually the data rate can vary how the packet is […]

IoT LoRa Gateway – SD Card Image Setup with TTN

The IoT LoRa Gateway can be setup with a few different methods. In this tutorial we will show you how to set it up using our SD Card Image & LoRaWAN Provider The Things Network. Our guide uses the pre-built SD Card image which has all of the software already installed and ready for use […]